Current Issue
2024 Vol.11, Issue 4
Changes in Flora of Vascular Plants and a Proposal for Biodiversity Conservation in Dongbaekdongsan Wetland Protection Area, Jeju Island, South Korea
제주 동백동산습지 습지보호지역의 식물상 변화와 관리방안
Sangwook Han, Yeounsu Chu, Suhwan Kim, Sanghun Lee
한상욱, 추연수, 김수환, 이상훈
Changes in Flora of Vascular Plants and a Proposal for Biodiversity Conservation in Dongbaekdongsan Wetland Protection Area, Jeju Island, South Korea
Analysis of Morphological Changes and Habitat Diversity Variations in Downstream River of Seomjin River Dam
섬진강댐 하류하천의 지형학적 변화와 서식처 다양도 변화 분석
Tae Hyo Baek, Mikyoung Choi, Chang-Lae Jang
백태효, 최미경, 장창래
Analysis of Morphological Changes and Habitat Diversity Variations in Downstream River of Seomjin River Dam
An Open-Source Software-Based Unified Framework for Efficient Ecosystem Monitoring
효율적인 생태계 모니터링을 위한 오픈 소스 소프트웨어 기반 통합 프레임워크
Minwoo Oh, Hyohyemi Lee, Eun Ju Lee
오민우, 이효혜미, 이은주
An Open-Source Software-Based Unified Framework for Efficient Ecosystem Monitoring
Application of Deep Learning Model to Detect Cracked Pixels in Images with Semantic Segmentation
이미지의 균열 픽셀 탐지를 위한 딥러닝 모델의 적용과 의미론적 분할 활용
Jaehyun Shin, Dong Sop Rhee
신재현, 이동섭
Application of Deep Learning Model to Detect Cracked Pixels in Images with Semantic Segmentation
Effects of Demographic and Meteorological Factors on Incidence of Heat-related Illness using Machine Learning
머신러닝을 이용한 인구사회학적 요인과 기상요인이 온열질환자 발생에 미치는 영향 분석
Ah Reum Han, Taehoon Lee, Sun Jun Lee, Hansol Kwak
한아름, 이태훈, 이선준, 곽한솔
Effects of Demographic and Meteorological Factors on Incidence of Heat-related Illness using Machine Learning
One-Dimensional Bed Change Prediction using Sediment Discharge Estimation under Ungauged Boundary Conditions
미계측 경계 조건에서의 유사량 추정 기반 1차원 하상 변동 분석
Eun-kyung Jang, Woochul Kang
장은경, 강우철
One-Dimensional Bed Change Prediction using Sediment Discharge Estimation under Ungauged Boundary Conditions
Analysis of the Relationship Between Turbidity and Benthic Macroinvertebrate Communities in the Upper Stream of Soyang River Dam
소양강댐 상류 탁도와 저서성 대형무척추동물 군집의 관계 분석
Mikyoung Choi, Jewan Ryu, Jongho Ahn
최미경, 류제완, 안종호
Analysis of the Relationship Between Turbidity and Benthic Macroinvertebrate Communities in the Upper Stream of Soyang River Dam
Application of Big Data-based Feature Selection Methods for Establishment of Suitable Species Distribution Models
종분포모델 도출을 위한 빅데이터 기반 변수선택방법 적용 연구
Jieun Oh, So-yeon Kwon, Ah Reum Han, Seungbum Hong
오지은, 권소연, 한아름, 홍승범
Application of Big Data-based Feature Selection Methods for Establishment of Suitable Species Distribution Models
Effect of Lead, Arsenic and Cadmium on the Growth and Metal Accumulation of Salix gracilistyla Miq. in Metal Contaminated Soil
중금속 인공토양에서 갯버들의 생육특성과 중금속 흡수에 납, 비소 및 카드뮴의 영향
Seung Jin Joo, Yujin Kim, Keum Chul Yang
주승진, 김유진, 양금철
Effect of Lead, Arsenic and Cadmium on the Growth and Metal Accumulation of Salix gracilistyla Miq. in Metal Contaminated Soil
Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Dendrometer for Tracking the Micro-level Growth of Trees
수목의 미세수준 생장 추적을 위한 자동 수목생장측정기의 효능성 평가
Jaeyeon Lee, Mira Kim, Jeong-Soo Park, Hyohyemi Lee
이재연, 김미라, 박정수, 이효혜미
Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Dendrometer for Tracking the Micro-level Growth of Trees